Shashank Bansal | शशांक बंसल

I am a first-gen Bioengineering graduate student at University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I am working on dynamic interfaces between living and artificial nervous systems. I believe that the human brain is one of the most complex and fascinating system in the world and I am trying to science and engineer the heck out of it.

Other than my fascination with the brain, I also love to hike, ski, play squash and take random photos. Some amateur stuff at the end.

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Sept'22 - Current

Graduate Student Researcher, Integrated Systems Neuroengineering Lab, University of California, San Diego

Prof. Gert Cauwenberghs

Projects: DARPA Massive Cross Correlation, HD-Few-Shot Learning;

Sept'19 - June 2022

Research Assistant, Poldrack Lab, Stanford University

Prof. Russell Poldrack

Projects: Non-defaced Detector, NARPS Multiverse Analysis, Fitlins;

Aug '19 - June 2022

Systems Software Engineer II, NVIDIA

Automation Team

Infrastructure automation, application development, network tools, CI/CD pipelines Fleet telemetry.

Aug '17 - May 2019

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, CS & ECE @ Illinois


Undergraduate Assistant for courses:

May '18 - Aug 2018

Software Engineer Intern, NVIDIA

Automation Team

Network and communication tools

May '17 - Jan 2018

Software Engineer Intern, NCSA - Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, UIUC

Prof. Larry Girolamo

NASA-funded Terra Data Fusion Project, Big-data analysis, visualization software, and data processing.

Aug 2018 - May'19

Director - IEEE UIUC

Technical Events Committee, ECE@Illinois

Primary contact of IEEE UIUC for scheduling and managing Company relations to host tech talks and events with the department.


Representative papers coming soon....

Photo Gallery

More photos on FLICKR

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Website template borrowed from Jon Barron